Wardop Application (Accepted)
William Jones
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Wardop Application (Accepted)
In-game name: Wardop
Steam Name: [14th] Wardop
Historical Name(A list of Historical names can be seen here): Cesar Cavrios
Age: 16
Country of Residency: US of A
How well can you speak English?: Quite well
Previous Regimental Experience: I lead the 14th...
How good do you consider yourself in melee, on a scale of 1-10?: 8 but EU
Do you have TS3 and a Mic(Mic is not mandatory but TS3 is)?: Both
How did you find out about 17e/ Who persuaded you to join 17e?: A few of my buds joined to play for yall during the weekends, I hear that you guys are pretty good on the EU side of the game and want to see what the deal is over there. Also want to join because you guys seem to be pretty chill on the forums and it'd be cool to play with you guys.
Are you prepared to fight valiantly for the 17e Regiment d'infanterie de Ligne?: Yessir
Steam Name: [14th] Wardop
Historical Name(A list of Historical names can be seen here): Cesar Cavrios
Age: 16
Country of Residency: US of A
How well can you speak English?: Quite well
Previous Regimental Experience: I lead the 14th...
How good do you consider yourself in melee, on a scale of 1-10?: 8 but EU
Do you have TS3 and a Mic(Mic is not mandatory but TS3 is)?: Both
How did you find out about 17e/ Who persuaded you to join 17e?: A few of my buds joined to play for yall during the weekends, I hear that you guys are pretty good on the EU side of the game and want to see what the deal is over there. Also want to join because you guys seem to be pretty chill on the forums and it'd be cool to play with you guys.
Are you prepared to fight valiantly for the 17e Regiment d'infanterie de Ligne?: Yessir
Wardop- Recruit
- Posts : 1
Re: Wardop Application (Accepted)
Hello there Wardrop, I am happy to tell you that you've been accepted into the Regiment, I have sent you a friend request on steam, please accept and I will talk to you more on Steam.
-Your in-game name is 17e_Rec_*Name* and banner is third page, first row, middle banner.
Mandatory events are on Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday with the other days having random events. Events being mandatory do not mean that you need to show up to each of these events. It is that for every event which you cannot make you tell an Officer or NCO that you cannot make it. This is to make sure members are still active.
Your teamspeak name is to be your in-game name, for example if your in-game name is 17e_Rec_Bot then your teamspeak name will be "Bot".
When in event we also have rule with the use of Chat, the use of Global chat is for Officers only. If you're responding to a person on the enemy team or have been given permission to then it's fine. Also with the use of Team Chat, do not spam the chat. Although it is allowed to be used freely, we do not want to see it being spammed.
Please keep active on the forums and ensue that you're in the 17e Steam group. Good luck Recruit.
-Your in-game name is 17e_Rec_*Name* and banner is third page, first row, middle banner.
Mandatory events are on Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday with the other days having random events. Events being mandatory do not mean that you need to show up to each of these events. It is that for every event which you cannot make you tell an Officer or NCO that you cannot make it. This is to make sure members are still active.
Your teamspeak name is to be your in-game name, for example if your in-game name is 17e_Rec_Bot then your teamspeak name will be "Bot".
When in event we also have rule with the use of Chat, the use of Global chat is for Officers only. If you're responding to a person on the enemy team or have been given permission to then it's fine. Also with the use of Team Chat, do not spam the chat. Although it is allowed to be used freely, we do not want to see it being spammed.
Please keep active on the forums and ensue that you're in the 17e Steam group. Good luck Recruit.
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